Expand your horizons with limitless vision built to fit any beast.
Expand your horizons with limitless vision built to fit any beast.
Tech Spec


TR90 材料製成
採用來自瑞士, 靈活耐用的 TR90 材料製成,質量超輕, 佩戴舒適。

鏡片採用創新的雙重防水塗層技術, 快速趕走汗水。


鏡片有效阻擋有害的 UV-A 和 UV-B 光線侵害,隨時隨地保護雙眼。

ZNAP™ 鉸鏈
ZNAP™ 無螺絲鉸鏈大幅提升耐用性和可靠性,確保眼鏡在運動時緊密貼合臉部,提供最佳的舒適性和穩定性。

PC聚碳酸酯鏡片有超強抗衝擊力性能 ,不易破裂,而且輕薄舒適。
Three Lens Sizes
The old saying is true, one size does not fit all. The Savage lens comes in three sizes, meaning an ideal fit regardless of the shape of your dome.

Unobstructed field of vision
You have enough obstacles to overcome trekking down mountains and diving off of cliffs, your vision shouldn't be one of them. With maximum rimless vision, your field of view will never get in the way of your performance.

Lightweight frameless design
Don't let looks fool you. The lightweight frameless design on the Savage is built like a leafcutter ant. While they are small in design, they are most certainly mighty in strength.


Large size - Frame: 149mm. Lens size: 140mm. Temple length: 127mm. | Medium size - Frame: 132mm. Lens size: 127mm. Temple length: 127mm.
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