Nic Rapa

定價 HK$1,029.00
定價 售價 HK$1,029.00
定價 HK$1,029.00
定價 售價 HK$1,029.00

Nic Rapa

Nic Rapa

Signature 系列

Not for those who easily get seasick, our Carnage™ model was designed for athletes who charge towards the storm rather than retreat. Push yourself to the maximum while donning a pair of sunglasses capable of withstanding the most unfavorable conditions imaginable. The Carnage™ has triumphed over a bevy of rigorous trials and testing, challenging its high impact durability and resistance. Armed with our newest Rubber Duky feature, the Carnage™ possesses the unique ability to float thanks to a modified low density polyamide compound that keeps the glasses buoyant when suspended in water. Our triple scratch, H2OFF, anti-glare coating will help keep sight lines dry and clear while you navigate extreme terrains. The Carnage™ offers 100% UV protection, keeping your eyes shielded from harmful UV rays on the sunniest of days. The inside temple tips on these death rays come equipped with our Ripple Tips, ensuring that your shades stay snug and secure while you set personal bests. The Carnage™ will leave you feeling like a wrecking ball, obliterating anything that stands in your path.
Not for those who easily get seasick, our Carnage™ model was designed for athletes who charge towards the storm rather than retreat. Push yourself to the maximum while donning a pair of sunglasses capable of withstanding the most unfavorable conditions imaginable. The Carnage™ has triumphed over a bevy of rigorous trials and testing, challenging its high impact durability and resistance. Armed with our newest Rubber Duky feature, the Carnage™ possesses the unique ability to float thanks to a modified low density polyamide compound that keeps the glasses buoyant when suspended in water. Our triple scratch, H2OFF, anti-glare coating will help keep sight lines dry and clear while you navigate extreme terrains. The Carnage™ offers 100% UV protection, keeping your eyes shielded from harmful UV rays on the sunniest of days. The inside temple tips on these death rays come equipped with our Ripple Tips, ensuring that your shades stay snug and secure while you set personal bests. The Carnage™ will leave you feeling like a wrecking ball, obliterating anything that stands in your path.

Sunglasses that float

Sunglasses that float

Tech Spec




鏡片有效阻擋有害的 UV-A 和 UV-B 光線侵害,隨時隨地保護雙眼。


鏡片採用創新的雙重防水塗層技術, 快速趕走汗水。




過濾反射光,阻隔耀眼的眩光,提升景物的對比度之餘,並且 100% 防紫外線 (UV400)。


防海水侵蝕設計能讓您在水中連續使用 7 小時亦不會損壞或視線受阻。

Rubber Duky

There’s nothing worse than your sunnies doing a cannonball, plummeting towards an underwater abyss. Our Rubber Duky feature will keep your sports performance eyewear afloat regardless of the size of the bathtub you play in.

Ripple Tips

The inside end grip tips mimic a water ripple effect, leaving your sunglasses snug and secure while you shred the elements.


Our H2OFF coating evaporates moisture that compromises the visibility of your sports performance eyewear. There is no need to worry about condensation hindering your horizon. Focus on the next obstacle, not drip drying your sunnies.


Kinetik Juggernaut 1
Kinetik Juggernaut 1


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